Tuesday, July 26, 2011

If You Don't Like it, Paint it!

I hated this flat hollow door,
smack dab in the middle of my
dining room.

I've shown this before,
but I decided to show
it again, because it's
been such a favorite of

I bought a beautiful
vintage screen door
to put there instead,
but it was way too big

I bought an old window
pane door, but it wasn't
the right size either...

What have I always done
when I couldn't get something
to fit or work out...
I painted it, yep I did!

Here's what I did with that old
flat door.

It's really hard to see, but I decided
this door was going to be a 3 panel door!

Yes I did!
 First, I measured out the 3 panels,
then I drew the 'Pantry' lettering.

 I started by painting the top panel,
basically it's just a shadow,
giving the illusion of a panel...

Next I painted the lettering on,
it took some time to get this part done,
but I'm happy with how it turned out!

Then I painted the chalkboard paint onto
the two bottom panels!

Huge difference right away!

I was loving it already!

You can tell I was excited, the paints still wet!

We love it this way,
 and our Grand kiddos probably
love it even more!

There's one slight problem
with it though...

Well maybe a big problem,
I didn't sand off the door paint,
and you've probably guessed,
the door paint is a good oil base
paint, and the chalkboard paint isn't.

So, the first time brand new chalk
was used, it scratched the chalkboard
paint right off, leaving what I wrote
as a constant reminder of what I
shouldn't do...I do know better.
So, sometime soon, I will have
the job of sanding it all off and
starting over...

But you know what?
It'll be worth it, because
I looove this old door now!

Thanks for visiting my blog and
I'd love it if you left me a comment!

I'm linking up to Cindy's blog,
My Romantic Home,
for her wonderful new
 Please go check out everyone's
painted goodies, they're

Always, Debbie~

Monday, July 25, 2011

I Won Jennifer Hayslip's Giveaway!

Pinch me...

I won a wonderful giveaway,
hosted by Jennifer Hayslip!

Jenn was celebrating her blog,
Sweet Eye Candy's 4th. Birthday!

~source: Jennifer Hayslip~

I almost fell off my computer chair 
when I saw her message,
 that I'd won!

Read all about her giveaway here!

~Jennifer always has the cutest pictures
and the most incredible creations!
~source: Jennifer Hayslip~

You know that last week was a toughie
for me, losing my dear Uncle Tom.

So winning Jenn's giveaway,
was really uplifting
and gave me something
to look forward too!

I couldn't believe it when
we stopped off at home
after his memorial.

sitting on the porch,
was Jenn's box!!!

What a wonderful sight!
It couldn't have come
at a better time.

First I took out oodles & oodles of
pretty pink tissue paper,
~a sweet box of 'Eye Candy'~

It truly was like opening a party, in a box!
Ohhh how I love Birthday parties!
Especially 4th. Birthdays!

There was ice-cream...

~is this sweet baby Vivi~

~love this~


~adorable gift cards~

Yummy glittery cupcakes,
that is!

~Elephants, by two's~

~sweet button eyes~

Is he not the cutest?
...and he's a gift card!

~sooo cute~

~a darling birthday card~


A Glamour Girl Necklace!

It's beautiful
 and so much fun!

~Source: Jennifer Hayslip~

~such beautiful eye candy~

Wrapped up in this
beautiful rose fabric!

How exciting!

Oh I will enjoy all my 'Sweet Eye Candy'

I probably won't be able
to part with anything...
The adorable gift tags
might just be
cute to give away...

I feel so honored to have
something of Jenn's,
I've been in awe over
her creations for some time!

I can't say this enough,
Thank YOU Jenn,
from the bottom of my
heart, I love it all!

I'm going to link with
Cindy's blog
My Romantic Home
Show & Tell Friday
Beverly's blog
How Sweet the Sound
Pink Saturday!

Thanks for visiting
Don't forget to leave
a comment, they
make my day!

Always, Debbie~

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Saying Good Bye!

Celebrating Uncle Tom's

He wouldn't want it
any other way.

Since my last post,
my life has been somewhat
like riding a roller coaster,
some highs,
followed with some 
My dear, sweet, Uncle Tom,
the Patriarch of our family,
passed away(peacefully)
Sunday evening.

But this post is not going to be about

It's hopefully going to convey
the message of  LOVE,
to remind ourselves
how each moment counts...

Hold your loved ones close,
and tell them YOU LOVE  THEM,
let them know how much
they mean to YOU!

I was able to visit my Uncle in
the hospital, and I was one
of the lucky ones to
see him when the pain
he had, was for a short while,
 under control. 

Before I left, we both said,
"I love YOU",
he took my hand and kissed it!

When we left, he was smiling and visiting
with family and friends,
my Aunt Mary (his soul mate),
at his side.

He, along with his family at his side,
chose to move on to palliative care,
 they specialize in relieving and
and preventing the suffering of
terminally ill patients.
All we wanted,
was for him not to
 be in pain anymore.

Uncle Tom's wish
was to go home.

On Sunday afternoon,
his family,
along with hospice,
arranged for Tom
to go home,
to his beloved beach house.

With his family by his side,
he passed away peacefully.

It's hard to imagine a
family event without him.
He was so much to all of us,
I'll miss his roar
La Familia
or his
Group Hugs,
after a family get together!

Here are some pictures of
my Uncle Tom,
a Husband, Father,
Brother, Grandfather,
Uncle, Father in law,
Brother in law,
Good friend, Mentor,
teacher, hunting buddy,
a Marine
and so much more!

~Tom with some of his Granddaughters~

Most likely out crabbing!

~Tom the head Pirate~

Every summer we look
forward to going to the beach
for the 4th. of July!
The street is closed off and
the neighborhood has their own
parade...Our Familia have always
been the pirates, because
of Uncle Tom!

~Tom loooved anything to do with family~

~the kids loved being his pirates~

~my brothers adored him~

~the day of my son's wedding~

Always, the famous smile!

~at Dad's birthday party in May~

in our hearts,
each of us carry's
a lifetime of memories of
our (my Uncle) Tom
and what he was to
each and every one of us!

I love you Uncle Tom!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Turning Sadness and Stress, Into Creative Energy!

My Bunco gals got together
for an evening of gab
and a BBQ !

Love that it was hosted
by Barb, not only is she
a wonderful hostess, but she lives on a
beautiful serene lake, in the country!
It's so quiet, calm and peaceful!

If I decided to go,
 I was  making a fruit salad to share
with the girls.

I got detoured a bit, by
some sadness.

 Our sweet Uncle Tom's
illness had him back in the hospital,
his body wasn't responding well,
the cancer throughout his bones
and the chemo, had taken a toll on
his already tired body. 

While waiting for word on my Uncle,
the salad I was going to make
ended up turning out like this...

~a fruit bouquet~

~yummy fresh fruit~

~add some dip~

Fruit Dip:

Philly Cheese
           Marshmallow Creme

Mix thoroughly!



And the best part
My Aunt Mary called
with good news!

Uncle Tom started
and his
tests were coming
back so much better,
and he's resting

I decided to go
to the Bunco
get together
after all.

All the girls made it
so special, the food was
delicious and the fire
down by the lake
was as warm as
the conversation!

and then Barb brings on
the dessert!

Brownies, vanilla ice cream,
strawberries & chocolate
chip cookies!

I'm linking to Cindy's blog
My Romantic Home

Thanks for taking the time in
your busy day to visit my blog!

Please leave a comment, I
read each and every one of them, 
they truly make me smile!

Always, Debbie~

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thrifty Treasure Finds!

I looove going to my favorite
thrift stores!
We have two
well known

One I call VV's,
~Value Village~
the other,
I call
The Goody!

I almost always
find some treasure
I don't really need
I can't possibly

Here are a few of
the treasures I've
found lately.

~sweet pink nursery planter booties~

~love these~

~I couldn't resist this~

~baby boy blue~

~Lennox trinket box~

~so pretty~

~mini serving plate~

I have the perfect topper for it!

~my mini cloche~

~mini soup tureen~

Perfect for dips!

~a girl just can't have enough of these~

~adorable little blue bird~

~if you move it's wheels it's wings flap~

Our Granddaughters will love this!

~vintage baby pillow cover~


I've had this for awhile, but haven't shown it.

~even a little something for my McGiver~

They're sooo toolish!

~for my crafty guy~

So there you have it...

You can tell I'm having fun!
School's only been out for a
couple of weeks, and I've
been up to NO GOOD...
at the GOODIE & VV's...
Not to mention the

That's another blog story
in itself!

Thanks so much for visiting,
and please leave a comment,
I enjoy them sooo much!

I'm linking to Cindy's blog
My Romantic Home
and also
Beverly's blog
How Sweet the Sound

Please go visit as many
of the participants you
can, they're full
of wonderful

Always, Debbie~

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Family Fun on the Fourth of July!

~Cousins Bella & Lulu~

~Both December babies~

~Birthdays a week and a half apart~

Who knew they were both 'Wonder Women'
under their street clothes!

~the newest family member, Angelo~

Thank you Aunt Mary & Uncle Tom
for another glorious
4th. of July

We even have a Parade!

~the pirates~

Our family are 'ALWAYS' Pirates!

This is a neighborhood parade,
they block off the street
(there's only one way in
and out)!
an hour before it starts!

~more pirates~

~part of our gang~

Young and old are in the parade!

~there are floats~

~and there are boats~

~even a dragon~

~a couple of these~

~a cart without it's ponies~

~an Uncle Sam look alike~

~some peddlers~

~and the groupies~

Don't we all love a Parade?

YES we do, especially the
of Priest Point!

Thanks for visiting!

Always, Debbie~