I hated this flat hollow door,
smack dab in the middle of my
dining room.
I've shown this before,
but I decided to show
it again, because it's
been such a favorite of
I've shown this before,
but I decided to show
it again, because it's
been such a favorite of
I bought a beautiful
vintage screen door
to put there instead,
but it was way too big
I bought an old window
pane door, but it wasn't
the right size either...
What have I always done
when I couldn't get something
to fit or work out...
I painted it, yep I did!
Here's what I did with that old
flat door.
It's really hard to see, but I decided
this door was going to be a 3 panel door!
Yes I did!
First, I measured out the 3 panels,
then I drew the 'Pantry' lettering.
I started by painting the top panel,
basically it's just a shadow,
giving the illusion of a panel...
Next I painted the lettering on,
it took some time to get this part done,
but I'm happy with how it turned out!
Then I painted the chalkboard paint onto
the two bottom panels!
Huge difference right away!
I was loving it already!
You can tell I was excited, the paints still wet!
We love it this way,
and our Grand kiddos probably
love it even more!
There's one slight problem
with it though...
Well maybe a big problem,
I didn't sand off the door paint,
and you've probably guessed,
the door paint is a good oil base
paint, and the chalkboard paint isn't.
So, the first time brand new chalk
was used, it scratched the chalkboard
paint right off, leaving what I wrote
as a constant reminder of what I
shouldn't do...I do know better.
So, sometime soon, I will have
the job of sanding it all off and
starting over...
But you know what?
It'll be worth it, because
I looove this old door now!
Thanks for visiting my blog and
I'd love it if you left me a comment!
I'm linking up to Cindy's blog,
My Romantic Home,
for her wonderful new
Please go check out everyone's
painted goodies, they're
Always, Debbie~