Thursday, February 25, 2010

Show and Tell Friday!

I looove this lamp, I've had it since 1984 and was excited
to find the date of '85' on it, so we were able to Celebrate it's
100th. birthday that New Years!

I had it re-wired at a well known light company and
when I picked it up, the fellow behind the counter said,
the man who worked on it wanted to meet me, so he
quickly went to tell him I was there! He told me my lamp
was quite unique as well as rare and he asked if I had all
the glass parts, (because of course, I'd taken it without
all the crystals and shade parts), and yes, I had all
the wonderful parts to it!

He said he'd never seen a lamp like this, and added it
would be impossible to find the glass parts for it, so
I feel very fortunate to have it intact! It had been wired
for electricity years before because, it had the old
ball looking plug-in and it was all very very old and unsafe

I used to be a bit paranoid about my son and his friends
playing in the living room around it for fear it might get broken
(he was just 10 when I brought it home), thank goodness it's
survived and today, it's still one of my favorite pieces!!!
I thought you might enjoy seeing it!

I just found out from a friend, that it's actually called a
'piano lamp', I looked it up online and find it's a
bit more valuable than it was when I bought it and I
thought it was a small fortune back then,when I found
it at my favorite anique store. It doesn't even matter that
it's been re-wired and no longer a kerosene lamp!

Thanks so much for visiting my Show & Tell, if you
haven't been over at Cindy's at My Romantic Home,
please go visit and see what's new at her place and stop
by as many Show & Tell participants that you can,
it's always so much fun seeing what this talented bunch
is up too!

I really enjoy reading all of your comments and I'd looove to have
you follow my blog, it would mean the world to me, thanks so much,
Always, Debbie~


Dawn said...

Thanks for coming over to visit tonight. That is a wonderfully unique lamp and you are fortunate to have found it!

One Cheap B*tch said...

That IS a great lamp!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

What a treasure to have! You are fortunate to have all the original glass.

Anonymous said...

Its beautiful. You made a very good purchase. Glad you have all the original pieces to it. Rosie

Lia at Petite Little Bee said...

Lovely. It is very unique. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Lia

Hootin Anni said...

Oh boy....this is simply stunning. It has an old world charm.

I captured a bit of the Irish Lore today in my SHOW N TELL. Do stop by for a wee bit o' the Irish Luck if you can!

Ms. Bake-it said...

It is indeed a treasure and you are lucky to have found it fully intact. Not to mention how lucky you are that it survived your son. Unfortunately, I lost several antiques throughout the years as my boys and their friends were growing up.

~ Tracy

Victoria said...

I had to chuckle when you mentioned being thankful your son hadn't broken it over the years! I look back at old photo's and see many things that I no longer have because of my boys playing in the living room! Cute lamp!

Cheryl said...

What an amazing lamp. I've never seen anything like that :-)

Erica (Irene) said...

Love your lamp.....thanks for sharing.

Mem's Political Scrapbook said...

Wow Willis! Great Lamp! I think it would still be neat to use it as an old oil lamp but then I'm weird that way. LOL Looks like you have kept it in perfect condition. Awesome!

Carrie said...

Thanks for sharing your lovely treasure!

emily said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! What a great lamp you have! Thanks for sharing!