We're leaving after work tomorrow for
a four day adventure in the Northwest
forests(not trek), hunting the sometime
very elusive 'ELK', (I even got a couger
license, just in case I find myself being
stalked by one). Hey, it's not that far
I love this time of year, the trees are
so beautiful and the autumn aroma's are
on my list of one of my fave natural
But to be honest, I do not like to be
out in the forest with torrents of rain.
I can handle a heavy rain, as long as it
ends with the warmth of the sun drying
everything off...but it's not going
to be happening this time...
I dout we'll even see the sun this
weekend, I know this trip is going to
be a NeVeR enDiNg RaInY SoGgy dRiPPinG
PuDDlinG DaMp DaNk RuNnY HuNt~
The forest is so LoUd when it's
raining, it seems to me that the
forest is screaming. It's as if,it's
drIpPinG on dRuMs, juMpInG oN A
TrAmPoLine, aNd PoLe VauLTiNG
OvEr tHe tReE tOpS...
My plan is to stay dry, enjoy
my time in the forest, take lots
of pictures, and hopefully see
animals. I just pray I don't have
any fearful up close and personal
meetings with any that ScArE mE!
I also hope that we luck out and
bring home an elk to fill our