Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Day for Telephone Reunions!!!

We had Lulu, Pat & David overnight! I
enjoyed it so much, but poor Jerry had
to work until 10:30ish. David was in bed
and Lulu had been, but got a second wind
and got to visit with Grandpa a little, and
Pat was just about to go to bed when he
arrived home.

In the morning Devon & Tenisha brought
breakfast supplies. As I fixed breakfast,
trying to keep Pat from helping was almost
impossible...her back is still bad, healing
has been a long process, although she
is feeling better. Somehow we lost the
plug-in for the griddle and I was totally
bummed to say the least, I 've been so
spoiled with it, that any other way to make
eggs seems Greek to me...:( But, I slowly got
through it!

Everyone left and I got a phone call from
my friend Karen, we had not visited for
a long time, so that was nice!
Then Jerry's cousin Steve called, and
it had been ages since I had talked to
him too, Steve needs lots of "Good Wishes"
& "Prayers" his back is in terrible pain
and nothing is working to help him out,
let alone the loss of being able to work
his job or his beloved volunteering at
the fire station!!! (((((Hugs to both
Steve & Linda)))))!!!
Then Janie called, she's Jerry's cousin
too, but we've always called her Aunt
Janie & Uncle Steve...not sure
why. I had not talked to Janie
in a year and the last time we
talked she was very very ill in the
hospital(I heard from a reliable
source that Janie looks like a
million bucks!!!) Pat saw her
Saturday at the family reunion
pic-nic!!! Janie and I had tons
of catching up to do. I don't know
about her, but I always feel like
we can just pick up where we left
off last!!! Great talking to everyone,
Jerry's working such long hours
that this weekend was extra
special seeing Pat & David, the
kids and talking to so many
friends and family!!!

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