Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ruffles & Rust an Event to Inspire!

I met my friend Marian at
What fun we had!

~love this poster~

~this was a welcomed director~

~loooved all the garden art~

~adorable booth signs~

Having a new baby in the family
makes me notice the sweet
simplicity of a baby-t being
used for their booth name...


~I also loooved how they used umbrella's~

I've been thinking a lot about umbrella's...
seriously, I have!

Not because of our

I'm hosting my Bunco group
in April, and well, all I can
think about is


Remind me later to tell you
about the sweet little watering cans
I picked up at the
thrift store!

~loooved these darling pink dishes~

~Debi was sooo busy~


Had a FaBuLoUs booth!
I met Debi at the Skagit Fairgrounds
a year or two ago, we met again
at another vintage show!
She was so busy Saturday
I wasn't able to even steal a minute

Until the next time...

~fluffing her booth~

I met Isabel of  Maison Douce
at her lovely booth!

Her Cottage booth was a sweet blend of
fabulous items for
your special cottage,
with and assortment of
wonderful vintage clothing!

...but my favorite, was
 a sweet
pink wooden chair!
as I pondered where I'd
put it, someone else
bought it...

It was for the best I'm sure,
I'd had one just like it, and sold it at one of
my antique sales...


why did I feel I had to have it???

 because I have
a childs chair that matches it...
because I'm still upset with myself
for ever selling my beloved
little kitchen chair!

I'm not really sure, what the reason is...

but, enough already!

My bad, I hesitated!
...and I know better!

Darling booth Isabel!
~lots of garden ideas~

For some reason,
I seemed to have lost
the two pictures I took of Amy's booth,

Today's Country Store!

It was a delight to meet her in
 I enjoy Amy's blog,
she always has such wonderful
vintage items to share,
and I looove her vintage trailer
posts so much!

You'll have to take my word for it,
Amy's booth was FaBuLoUs!!!

~adorable teapot & teacup chandelier~

~I loooved this watering can boxwood~

Honestly, I was so busy looking at the beauty
around me, that I didn't take
many pictures, I'm always guilty of that
where ever I go!

If you have a minute check
out these girls blogs!

Isabel at Maison Douce


Debi at Ormolulu

Both have some fabulous
pictures they took while at
Ruffles & Rust!

Thanks for stopping by,
Don't forget to say 'Hello'
I read each and everyone of
your comments!

I'd looove it if you'd FOLLOW ME!

Always, Debbie~


  1. Debbie ~ it looks like you had a wonderful time. I LOVE those pink dishes! Have a great day ;-)

  2. Debbie-What great pictures...and I love all the booths. I am bummed that you didn't get a picture of that pink chair! I suppose you were a little hesitant to take it as it was being hoisted into someone's arms...(might have looked a bit of a stalker);>)

    I can only imagine the fun you had meeting some of those special bloggers and getting to really know them. Hugs- Diana

  3. Hi Debbie, it was so nice to meet you at the Ruffles & Rust show! I'll post some pics soon if you want to copy some feel free!
    Hope to see you around soon!
